The Federal High Court in Lagos on Friday dismissed the no-case submission filed by a former Executive Secretary, National Health Insurance Scheme, Dr Femi Thomas, in response to the $2.2m fraud charges filed against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission.
The court, in a ruling by Justice Ayokunle Faji, said the prosecution had made out a prima facie case against Thomas, warranting him to offer an explanation.
The judge held, “The testimonies of the first prosecution witness suggests that the first defendant gave the sum of $2.198m to him to change into naira through his wife, as the evidence shows that the transactions in counts four and five of the charge sheet did not pass through a financial institution. More so, the amount involved is beyond N5m obtainable by law and I therefore hold that the defendant has a case to answer.”
The judge fixed March 30 for Thomas to open his defence.